Appointments: (610) 613-5042
Appointments: (610) 613-5042
Dr. Lorine treats many conditions including but not limited to pain, and consults to optimize overall wellness. She treats patients age 5 and up. Below are some commonly treated conditions:
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Rib pain
Foot/Ankle Pain
Knee Pain
Shoulder Pain
Wrist/Elbow pain
Neuralgias (Trigeminal, Occipital, etc.)
Neuropathic Pain
Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Cranial Osteopathy
Integrative & Functional Medicine
Trigger Point Injections
Although Dr. Lorine does not accept insurance, and is out of network for all insurance companies, including Medicare*, a receipt with billing codes can be provided, should the patient wish to submit it to their insurance company for direct reimbursement. Some insurance companies will reimburse patients to varying degrees for out of network coverage. Please contact your insurance provider for specific details regarding your out of network coverage.
An emphasis is placed on the relationship between Dr. Lorine and her patients. She does not double book and spends a significant amount of time with each patient.
New patient visits can be 60 or 90 minutes, depending on complexity and patient preference
Follow up visits start at 30 minutes in length; extended time may be scheduled as required.
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel an appointment, please provide at least 72 hours notice. In order to avoid a cancellation charge, you must give at least 48 hours notice by phone call (our office number is not compatible with texting). Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice may be charged at the full rate. As Dr. Lorine does not double book, when you book an appointment that time is dedicated to you. Last minute cancellations & no-shows prevent other patients from receiving care at that time. Initial visits will not be rescheduled if cancelled in less than 24 hours.
For more information on pricing, please call.
*Dr. Lorine has opted out of Medicare.
*Dr. Lorine does not accept auto insurance, therefore can not accept patients from unresolved car insurance claims or lawsuits.
*Please call or email to obtain more information & to obtain office forms.
*Dr. Lorine does not act as a Primary Care Physician